Forensics / Legal Help

Legal and forensics help dog bitins

Are you the victim of a dog bite?

Are you the defendant in a dog bite case.?

Are you an attorney or insurance company representing a victim or defendant?

Expert Dog Trainer & Behaviorist

Karen Arnoff of Cleveland Dog Training Classes has assisted individuals, attorneys and insurance companies who represented victims or defendants

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Karen Arnoff assists by investigating how and why the incident occurred.  Was the dog owner at fault? What was the victim doing when the incident occurred?

  • Was the dog acting defensively or aggressively
  • Was the dog provoked?
  • Was the dog trained to attack?
  • Were there other significant factors related to the dog bite?
  • Are other local experts needed to testify for either the plaintiff or the defense?

Can Dog Biting Be Prevented?

  • Work with your puppy to limit mouthing and biting
  • Get help if your dog continues mouthing or biting.


As Ben Franklin said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Contact Karen Arnoff of Cleveland Dog Training Classes at 440.349.5022

Karen’s knowledge, experience, use of her five-step model (See The Arnoff Model) and 30 years of client successes is why you’ll succeed with Cleveland Dog Training Classes (formerly the Dog-Owner Connection).